Versatile WB case packing platform
also handles American cases

The launch of the new Cermex WB47 now allows the WB case packing platform to handle not only the wrap-around blanks (complete wrap around cases, asymmetric/high/low sided trays, trays with ledges and tray+lid) but also American boxes (RSC and half-slotted cases).

With enhanced flexibility, both at the primary and secondary packaging levels, the upgraded WB platform answers the high expectations of various market categories with:

  • 22 cases/min for RSC and HSC
  • 30 blanks/min for Wrap Around or trays
  • 5-minute average changeover time
  • High operability with an intuitive HMI
  • Hygienic and energy-friendly equipment

Unlock the two videos below now
and learn more about the WB platform capabilities