Security Advisories

In Sidel we are constantly investing in digital solutions to increase performance for our customers. The Sidel’s cyber security management team addresses vulnerabilities impacting our infrastructures and supports our efforts to reach the right level of safety on our equipment.

On this page, Sidel provides you with relevant information and recommendations to help you identify potential vulnerabilities and improve the safety and availability of your installed Sidel solutions.

Download the advisories below to find out about the latest disclosed vulnerabilities affecting Sidel equipment and services and recommendations to mitigate risks.

Security Advisory for Downloads:
Vulnerability Advisory ID Version No. Last update (dd/mm/yyyy) Download
Siemens SIMATIC S7 SSA-2021-02 1.0 25/06/2021
PTC Kepware KEPServerEX SSA-2021-01 1.0 20/01/2021
Wibu-Systems - CodeMeter SSA-2020-02-Wibu-Systems -CodeMeter 1.0 18/11/2020
Ripple20 SSA-2020-01-Ripple20 2.0 23/09/2020